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10 Ways to Tell if your Hotel Room is Clean

Whether you pay $35 or $3500 for a night at a hotel, you are trusting that the staff is well-trained and that your room was serviced properly.

1. Don’t deny your first impression. A room that feels bad or smells bad when you walk in, probably was not cleaned correctly.

2. Check the bottom left corner of the mattress to see if this month is listed here. If it is, then the mattresses are checked and rotated on a regular basis. This will ensure not only a more comfortable mattress, but a less-likely chance of the dreaded bed bugs.

3. Turn on all of the lights. A well-versed housekeeper knows that cleaning with all of the lights on is the only way to ensure that it’s all done correctly and would have seen and replaced any blown-out bulbs. Keep in mind that light bulbs can burn out after housekeeping is done, so do not jump to conclusions…just be aware.

4. With your hand flat and your fingers together, rub your flattened fingers over the soap dish in the bathroom. It should come up clean. Use the same method for the inside of the tub and any vinyl floor surface.

5. Pull back the bed covers to expose the top sheet. You should see obvious creases where the sheet was folded. If no creases are present, then, chances are, someone else slept in those sheets.

6. In guest rooms that have a self-contained air conditioning unit, it is very easy to pull out and check the filter for lint and dirt. A clean filter ensures a fresh, clean room.

7. Remove the trash liner and look inside the trash can. If it is dirty inside, you have to wonder what else the housekeeper thought he or she could hide behind.

8. Do not look directly at the artwork, mirrors or countertops—check them from a side view for dirt or dust.

9. Check behind and under the nightstand, couches or chairs for any garbage or items left from previous tenants.

10. Check for the point in the toilet paper and facial tissue. Housekeepers are trained to pull off an entire ring of toilet paper, or the last tissue and fold the new one to a point to ensure no germs are transferred.

june mccreight author

June McCreight

June McCreight began her career in the hospitality industry as a housekeeper in 1996. In the years since, she has risen through the ranks, learning maintenance, front office, sales and revenue management, property management and district management, bench management and opening team management. She has trained hundreds of hoteliers and won many awards for her management successes. In 2011, June wrote and published, The Strangers in My Beds, a fictional novel based strictly on the strange events of her career in hotels. In 2014, June partnered with her father, a very accomplished software architect, and opened the business, Coba Enterprise Management, LLC with a very unique and specialized CMMS (Computer Maintenance Management System) software for hotels.

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